Theraband Kinesiology Tape: Clinical Integration $0.00

Theraband Kinesiology Tape: Clinical Integration

Clinical Integration

The fourth course in this four-part series on TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape focuses on the clinical integration of kinesiology tape. Specifically, Phil Page addresses the clinical decision making process of identifying opportunities to integrate kinesiology taping within practice including best available evidence, clinical experience, and patient-specific considerations.

The four T’s of Functional Taping, testing, taping, retesting, and training, are covered. Dr. Page further illustrates how Kinesiology Taping should not be used as a stand-alone treatment, but instead should be combined with therapeutic exercise and proper education on topics such as posture and ergonomics. Clinical scenarios for the integration of kinesiology taping for both upper quarter and lower quarter examples are demonstrated throughout the course.

This is the fourth course in the four-part TheraBand Kinesiology Tape series. Please be sure watch the previous three courses:

TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape: Research and Methods
TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape: Basic Applications of the Upper Quarter
TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape: Basic Applications of the Lower Quarter

Course Locations: Online

Promo Code: performanceHEALTH

Course Objectives:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Clinical Integration

□Identify the 3 key components of evidence-based practice

□Learn how to integrate kinesiology taping into clinical practice

□Understand issues related to coding and billing for kinesiology taping

Chapter 2: Clinical Scenarios – Upper Quarter

□Understand components of Jands’s Upper Crossed Syndrome

□Apply kinesiology tape and TheraBand exercise for neck pain

□Apply kinesiology tape and Theraband exercise for shoulder pain

Chapter 3: Clinical Scenarios – Lower Quarter

□Understand components of Jands’s Lower Crossed Syndrome

□Apply kinesiology tape and TheraBand exercise for low back pain

□Apply kinesiology tape and TheraBand exercise for knee pain

Website for additional information or to register:


Instructor name:

Dr. Phil Page, PhD, PT, ATC, CSCS, FACSM, LAT

Disciplines accredited for:

These courses are approved for OT, AT and PT

*check MedBridge website for approval details for the following states: PA, MD, OK, NJ, FL, MN, OH, NV, LA, NM, WV, AR.