Thera-Band Resistance Band FlexBar Shoulder Oscillation External Rotation $0.00

Thera-Band Resistance Band FlexBar Shoulder Oscillation External Rotation

By: | May 11, 2012
Thera-Band Resistance Band FlexBar Shoulder Oscillation External Rotation

Exercise Instructions

Step One

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms alongside body, with chested lifted and open. Back and trunk remain straight with belly button in tight. Knees are ‘loose’ – not hyperextended.

Step Two

With both hands grasp a piece of Thera-Band Elastic Resistance and bend both elbows to 90° angles.

Step Three

Wrap Resistance Band around one hand to anchor it, and with the other hand grasp the base of a Thera-Band FlexBar. Keeping that elbow in tight bent at 90 degrees, rotate forearm out against the resistance.

Step Four

Hold this position and perform FlexBar oscillations. Oscillate for 15-20 seconds. Rest and repeat.