Thera-Band FlexBar Shoulder Oscillation External Rotation $0.00

Thera-Band FlexBar Shoulder Oscillation External Rotation

By: | May 11, 2012
Thera-Band FlexBar Shoulder Oscillation External Rotation

Exercise Instructions

Step One

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms alongside body, with chested lifted and open. Back and trunk remain straight with belly button in tight. Knees are ‘loose’ – not hyperextended.

Step Two

With one hand grasp the end of a Thera-Band FlexBar and bend that same elbow to a 90° angle.

Step Three

Keeping elbow bent at 90 degrees and in tight alongside body, rotate forearm out away from the midline. Hold this position and perform FlexBar oscillations.

Step Four

Oscillate for 20-30 seconds. Rest and repeat.