How to Use Warming Topicals in Massage Therapy $0.00

How to Use Warming Topicals in Massage Therapy

By: Rebecca Moore |
How to Use Warming Topicals in Massage Therapy

Think your patients can’t take the heat? We promise you they can! Pain sufferers everywhere are reaching for both hot and cold therapy modalities to help relieve their symptoms, so it makes sense to incorporate these sensations into your manual therapy treatments for added value! Last month, we covered how to use topical analgesics in massage therapy; this month we’re flipping the script and covering the benefits and suggested timing of using warming topicals in your routines. After all, it’s a pretty ‘hot’ topic…!

Benefits of warming topicals in massage therapy

Warming topicals like Prossage® Soft Tissue Therapy Warming Massage Oil are a soothing addition to any massage. With menthol, lanolin and natural oils, these products create a slight warming effect to soothe and relax patients.

There are many reasons to bring the heat to your massages:

  • Muscles, tendons, and ligaments become relaxed
  • Warmth increases blood flow resulting in increased oxygen to the area
  • Can reduce or completely eliminate trigger points
  • Diminishes musculoskeletal pain
  • Reduces muscle spasms
  • Provides a “controlled” glide
  • Offers ability to hook deep fascia
  • Enhances soft tissue mobilization
  • Effects last long after treatment

When to Use Warming Topicals in Massage Therapy

Warming topicals are a perfect addition during a variety of massages, such as:

  • Deep tissue work
  • Myofascial release
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Soft tissue mobilization

For more information and to grab some product to get started, visit!

warming massage oil